I've been happily using Castor XML for a few years now.
Castor JDO has never been considered too much of a choice for large
but now as you say that the community is rallying around again, I will take
a peek.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jakob Praher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: extending XMLForms for different kinds of models...opinions?

> hi all,
> Am Son, 2003-02-16 um 10.32 schrieb Ugo Cei:
> > ivelin wrote:
> > > Ugo, can you can share experience with Hibernate vs. Jakarta OJB,
> > > or another Open Source O/R tool.
> > >
> > > There is a reasonably objective comparison here
> > > http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?ObjectRelationalToolComparison
> > > but I would like to hear more from a usability, flexibility and
> > > perspective.
> >
> I am working with Castor/JDO which is insofar good, as it can be easily
> integreated with javax.transaction environemnts.
> Querying is done using a subset of ODMG OQL.
> I have used it in a number of projects sofar.
> I have also done a kind of xpath to oql mapping, for efficient xml
> extraction via the cocoon:/ protocol.
> Minor issue is for instance some extra overhead for wrapping the result
> in java.util.Collection classes.
> I think the community is reestablishing, since they have done 2 minor
> releases already this year - which I think looks promising.
> You can also use the xml package to do marshal the object to xml, but
> care must be taken, as it currently uses SAX1 (DocumentHandler), which
> must be wrapped with the namespace feature turned on.
> Also check out the xdoclet tags (which I have modified a little bit for
> my purpose) for castor, which are handy for mapping generation.
> In my experience, using a simple Bean Object as the form model and then
> using this model to fill in a DataObject is the better approach than
> direct binding the data object to the form, as you can't always do a 1:1
> mapping between all the fields.
> just my 2 cents
> -- Jakob

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