Bruno Dumon wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 22:14, Miles Egan wrote:
> > After updating cvs and rebuilding I get this error when using the 
> > HTMLGenerator:
> > 
> > [NamespaceNormalizingDOMStreamer] Encountered a DOM Element without a 
> > localName. DOM Level 1 trees are not supported by this DOMStreamer.
> > 
> > Is this a bug?
> No, it's a feature :-)
> Currently the NamespaceNormalizingDOMStreamer only supports
> namespace-aware (= dom level 2) DOM trees. Extending it to support DOM
> level 1 trees would require to put the namespace-processing that
> normally happens in an XML parser, to be put in the DOM-streamer.
> I think the easiest solution for now is to use the default DOM streamer
> in the HTMLGenerator. I'll fix that in a moment...
Is it possible to test the DOM if it is level 2 or level 1 in the
DOMStreamer and then if it is level 1 perhaps use the streaming?

In general, most components in Cocoon assume that a DOM is level 2
which means, namespace aware, so a level 1 DOM should really be avoided.


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