Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Thanks :-)

You are welcome.

Nico, I must be honest with you, the Notifying classes well... hmmm, how to say this... ehmmm... all right: I don't like them.

My feeling is that they are too complex for the easy thing they do. They are somewhat over-objectified.

I know you had plans to improve them (I saw the comments inside and the skeleton of what you want to do) but I just think that you're simply trying to do too many things, resulting in such mess that is hard to understand who handles what and why.

I'm not suggesting to remove them, but I'm suggesting to simplify them by a great deal and I would like you to be involved because you know all the pieces of the puzzle.

This is not so critical so can be postponed at post-2.1 release, but this will have to be done and I would like to know your comments about this.


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