On 23.Mar.2003 -- 03:25 PM, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> I propose to ship Cocoon 2.1 *AS IS*, sort of a cleaned-up version of 
> our current CVS and improve a little the 'INSTALL.txt' doc that will 
> suggest you to do
>  $> ./build.sh
>  $> ./cocoon.sh servlet
> and voila', that was it! or, if you really want to deploy stuff into 
> your wervlet container do a simple
>  $> ./build.sh war
> and you are done.
> And next step, when you want to tune your distribution for your needs 
> simply do
>  $> cp build.properties local.build.properties
>  $> cp blocks.properties local.blocks.properties
> then edit them, then
>  $> ./build.sh clean
>  $> ./build.sh
>  $> ./servlet.sh servlet-admin &
> so you can start/stop/restart your cocoon without having to star/stop 
> jetty from the command line.
> What do you think?

I'm absolutely in favour of this (although -- no, because! -- it makes
the mock efforts superflous).

This is an open *source* project, and a couple of things are a lot
easier to do at compile time rather than at run time.

Note that the mocks are still needed to enable everyone to modify them
and still have the compiler or the IDE do syntax checks without
downloading the additional jars which might not be possible in some

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