On 24.Mar.2003 -- 05:36 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> On Monday 24 March 2003 17:25, Christian Haul wrote:
> > This is an open *source* project, and a couple of things are a lot
> > easier to do at compile time rather than at run time.
> Yes, like 
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/
> make
> make install
> for specifying installation directory, right?

Note that I'm not arguing against binary distributions. COP does a lot
for run time configuration. Still, some things are easier to specify
during the build than at run time. So, one might not get all the (or a
choice of) features without building from source. And we can do that
because the user is empowerd by providing the source. A closed source
project could not do that and need to invent all sorts of tricks and
hacks to do it later.

> Need to think beyond the power-programmer... Even the casual programmer 
> struggles with configure/make systems, and often fails and leaves.

This is not about arbitrary configure/make systems but the current
cocoon build system. IMHO it's easy enough. 

> Serious OSS definately have binaries in one form or the other. It is not a 
> "piece-of-cake" to compile source for everyone, and I think it should not 
> serve as the ENTRY-POINT for new users.

Often as "contributed" or included in a linux distribution.

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