Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Ok, there are some other options this vote is about:

[ +0 ] Release Cocoon 2.1 /immediately/. Carsten suggested the 24th of June as target date for a first beta release (, but do we really need a beta?

[ +1 ] Release Cocoon 2.1 beta 1 /immediately/ (24th of June). This means more or less ignoring the FOM too. It's for a stabilization phase. Upayavira pointed out that a beta release could attract more people to use Cocoon 2.1 in production and we will possibly get bug reports before carving the release in stone (

[ -1 ] Release further milestones while implementing the FOM. Cocoon 2.1 will be released subsequently.

[ +1 ] Release Cocoon 2.0.5 as soon as possible.

Balancing the different release concerns is a major juggling act. You want the new release to be as compatible and as stable as possible, yet at the same time, you need it released. So for that reason, I am against adding new major functionality at this time (FOM). Providing some information to users that the official FOM is under development will be enough. If you let them know what is a safe bet, then they can work with that subset.

As soon as you put a a relaese candidate, folks will start beta testing,
and report all kinds of issues you didn't find before.  It happened with
Fortress.  So considering it is the 16th and the 24th is a ways away,
I would put a feature freeze (not a code freeze) on Cocoon until the
release is official.

I would get 2.1 released ASAP, as either a release candidate (RC) or a
beta (both amounting to the same thing).  As bugs are found and
reported to a fix and make another release.  Do this daily until there
are no BUGS found for 24 hours.  It may be July by the time the final
release is out, and you may have had 30 betas or RCs, but it helps folks

I learned at Avalon that many folks will work with a snapshot expecting
things not to change that much between their snapshot and the next
release.  As a result, we had to add a couple compatibility points in
Fortress 1.0 to continue to work with those snapshots.

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