At 09:29 PM 6/24/2003 +0200, you wrote:
Geoff Howard wrote:

This is good news. I understand that it's very difficult, but I hope that it might be easier than you think, and I hope I can somehow help you in that. Anyway, given that you are the only one showing some interest, I'm starting to think that I'm just being paranoid...

You are not being paranoid. I have been uneasy about the forked rhino code but have kept quiet because I'm such a junior member of this community, because I personally did not feel able (time or knowledge wise) to help fix the situation, and because I am so behind on really understanding flow and continuations. But I think the longer we go on building on this sand the more trouble we will be in when the inevitable happens. I for one am reading every word you two write.

Thanks for supporting my position. :-) Just to make things clear, I want to stress that I have the highest respect for what Christopher has brought us so far: it's an impressive work, and it surely paved the way to a brighter future in web applications. I also fully understand his lack of resources/time to follow ATM the Rhino development

Oh, man I didn't mean to sound down on Chris, the flow, or the code. I share your sentiment exactly. Chris, I'm very sorry if I sounded critical.

Given all the issues Chris and others have mentioned I believe the path taken was the only way to get "here". My concern is just that "here" may prove to be un-maintainable. It isn't Chris's responsibility to integrate this back into rhino proper or to take it on as a permanent forked project. If a fork is to happen, we need to commit to it as a community. I just really hope that doesn't need to happen.

The only reason I said anything was I heard you wondering if anyone else thought this was important. I do and I believe many users will feel very much as you speculate below. The question isn't of quality or stability of code at all.


However, I'm at a crossroads now: I have to decide wether limit myself to keep an eye on the flow or place a bet and use it for my daily job. Having such a core functionality rely heavily on an _unreleased_, _old_ and _third party_ software (though quite stable) is refraining me from using it more seriously. I might even say that, while not blocking the beta, this might be considered a showstopper for a final release of the flow.

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