on 6/25/03 4:55 PM Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>>I think that the option of "active and direct" collaboration between
>>Cocoon and Rhino would be better for both. It might increase their
>>community, create a solid political link (that today is missing), give
>>us a meritocratic control on the platform (cocoon is probably going to
>>become one of the most important rhino customers).
>>So, it might be good to start talking to them *before* we even attempt
>>to do anything from a code perspective, maybe they have ideas on how to
>>solve things easily or maybe even converge to a common point.
> Hmmm... don't forget that this is Open Source (oh well, I bet you know 
> that ;-)) and as NKB loves to say, discussions get forgotten, just code 
> remains. :-)
> I would say then that it would be nice to go to the Rhino community with 
> suggestions *and* some code. I have been looking at it more thouroughly 
> and as of now I think that the real problem is not really Rhino missing 
> continuations, but Rhino being coded not to be extensible: most classes 
> we need to extend are final, and members we need access to are private. 
> So far Cristopher and I went quite the "easy" way, changing accesses and 
> declarations just when needed, but it won't take a huge effort to 
> refactor the few classes we need in order (adding getter/setters and the 
> like) to make them really extensible.
> Once this is done, the continuation-specific code might happily live in 
> the Cocoon CVS as a Rhino extension if the Mozilla community is not 
> willing to accept it (and actually I don't really see a real reason for 
> them to include it ATM since Cocoon would be the only customer for that) 
> and we might control it with Gump guarding against back-incompatible 
> changes.
> This will take no more than a few hours of (boring) coding, and I'm 
> willing undertake the effort if it sounds reasonable to us all, and 
> produce a first working extensible JavaScript interpreter that might be 
> committed in Rhino. Meanwhile, we can start approaching the Rhino guys 
> and see what they think aboout it.
> How does it sound?

I love the incremental approach. +1


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