Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote, On 26/06/2003 20.37: ...

But my point is slightly different: the java metaphore for achiving WORA
is 'common denominator abstraction' which, many times, forces
reinvention of the wheel.

I used to believe this was the case, but after SWT, I've completely
changed my mind and I think that 'behavioral abstraction' would be a
much better pattern even if the implementation of the API normally
requires much more work and the system using the API has to check for
existance of particular behavioral properties and adjust to that.

I'm really confused about this SWT thing. On my computer Eclipse feels slower than JBuilder. And I still have to understand what makes SWT so compelling and AWT so dreaded.

Check out JGoodies' fake eclipse L&F using swing:

JGoodies is now open source on

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