I'm really moved by the vote and I want to thank you for the confidence.

I'm 25 years old and live in Vienna, Austria. I studied business
and graduated three years ago. Now I work as consultant for EFP
Austria and as freelancer (Cocoon consulting and training).  

The first time I came in touch with Cocoon was during the JAX2001 
(conference for Java, Apache, XML and WebServices) in Frankfurt. Used 
to use (released) commercial software I was impressed by the quality of 
open source *alpha* software (Cocoon was available in version
After this experience Michael Gerzabek and I started to build our first 
prototyp connecting Cocoon with SAP. This was also the hour of birth of 
Web3 which has been part of Cocoon 2.1dev since the beginning of this
Web3 has also become the basis of some of our projects.

On my Cocoon todo-list the top issue is finishing the flow (design & 
implementation) and I hope this can be reached within the next two
After this I want to spend some time on documentation espacially the
The next big thing on my list is finding/finshing/promoting a/the Cocoon

form framworks that can compete against M$ webforms, JSF, Struts, ...

Apart from Cocoon I'm on the way to become a Certified Transactional 
Analyst (this has nothing to do with IT as many people believe but 
more with psychology), like to read, play tennis and learn to dance 
(waltz, cha-cha, jive, ... ;-)


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