Does anyone have some source that gets cached by the Cocoon 1.8.2 engine? If so 
please send it to me, so I should se if it works in my environment also. I have 
been running Cocoon for some time, but have never seen the: “<!-- This page was 
served in * from cache ..” - but only the “<!-- This page was served in * by 
Cocoon 1.8.2 -->” (no "from cache" ). Not even the 
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/hello/hello-page.xml gets cached. My 
cocoon.properties is below but maybe the problem is somewere else. I have read 
the "a brief guide to the cocoon cache system", and have looked at some old 
posted mails, but it didn't help me with getting the cache work - I would 
really like to see a simple exaple of a page that is cached - so I will work 
from there.

What am I doing wrong, any idea?

Thanks for any help in advance 

# Cache Managers                         #

# the default cache
cache = org.apache.cocoon.cache.CocoonCache

#uncomment this to disable ALL page caching
#cache = org.apache.cocoon.cache.NoCache

#Change this to false to disable all Last-Modified headers
#This will also disable client-side and proxy caching, but not Cocoon
#internal caching.
#Content that is not cached by Cocoon will not have a Last-Modified header.
lastmodified = true

#NOTE: See also the next set of options. The CocoonCache is implemented by
#the Store.

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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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