Take a look at my posting from yesterday - "[C2] Possible Solution for
PDF Bug with IE 5.x !??". I explained it in detail. Ask me for further

In my tests a realized big problems because of the lack of
content-length for FOP-generated PDF's. With content-length it worked
quite well.
This is a different problem than that with C1 (see Ulrich's Postings),
because C1 properly sends a content-length.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Carsten Ziegeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2001 13:47
> Betreff: AW: hello.pdf not displaying anything
> Hi,
> I think we should focus on the real problem here and not raise
> any discussion about which browser is better, what you should
> use and why not to use anything else.
> I think this is the private decission of the user himself and
> noone's else.
> If there are problems with displaying PDF in any browser and if
> this can be solved by changing anything inside Cocoon 2 (without
> breaking something) we not only should do it - we will do it.
> So please, help us in solving the problem.
> Carsten 
> Open Source Group                        sunShine - b:Integrated
> ================================================================
> Carsten Ziegeler, S&N AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
> www.sundn.de                          mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> ================================================================
> > Ulrich Mayring wrote:
> > 
> > "Piroumian, Konstantin" wrote:
> > > 
> > > Standarts are made to be supported, otherwise they are useless. 
> > The reality
> > > is that IE is leading browser and I don't believe that anybody 
> > will design
> > > his applications in standart, but less functional or simplified 
> > way, only
> > > because that is not a standart way.
> > 
> > Well, obviously you're not supporting the standards 
> movement. That is
> > your choice, but if you're using standards-based, 
> OpenSource software
> > for free, you should give something back. You are under no 
> obligation to
> > do that, but I would expect from OpenSource users that they do not
> > actively help MS perverting standards.
> > 
> > > I don't like Microsoft either and that's why I don't use 
> IIS or other
> > > Microsoft technologies that I can avoid, but I can't 
> avoid using IE and
> > > developing for IE, because it's impossible now. I think, 
> that the same
> > > situation is everywhere.
> > Today you say you can't avoid developing for IE. If 
> everyone thinks like
> > that, then tomorrow you won't be able to avoid using IIS. 
> Don't you see
> > where that leads? Haven't you heard about the smart tags in the next
> > Internet Explorer? MS is trying to take over the Web, plain 
> and simple.
> > 
> > Are you suggesting the Web developers code around the smart tags by
> > intentionally mis-spelling words, so IE doesn't recognize 
> them anymore,
> > but human users will? Then the next version of IE will contain a
> > dictionary of mis-spelled words. Then we're not only in a 
> coding-war,
> > but also in a spelling-war with MS. Plus all the users of
> > standards-compliant browsers would have to read intentionally
> > mis-spelled words, even though their browser would 
> correctly render the
> > words, if they were spelled correctly.
> > 
> > If you are suggesting we should ignore HTTP to accomodate 
> IE, then that
> > is the same thing as if you were suggesting we ignore the 
> dictionary and
> > spell all words differently to avoid smart tags. The 
> dictionary is the
> > law of spelling and HTTP is the law of the Web. Working 
> around either
> > one is the bad guy's way - don't be a bad guy!
> > 
> > > According to your advice, we have to tell our users to use 
> > Netscape (or so)
> > > if they want to get a PDF document. But often people don't have 
> > any browser
> > > other than IE.
> > 
> > Then they have to get one. There are so many browsers out there that
> > there really is no reason to use IE.
> > 
> > Ulrich
> > 
> > -- 
> > Ulrich Mayring
> > DENIC eG, Systementwicklung
> > 
> > 
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