On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 18:54:29 PDT, Rick Tessner wrote:

>I have a situation where I need direct access to the HttpServletRequest
>and Reponse objects.  Basically, there's an existing servlet in our
>environment, written a long time ago and used by many other bits to
>provide SingleSignOn capability.  This servlet is used by more than
>just things that reside within Cocoon2.  (ie. perl CGI processes, etc
>use it as well).

Ooops!  My bad!! The objectModel.get(HttpEnvironment.HTPT_REQUEST_OBJECT)
etc. seem to be fine.

I may have found a bug in the SingleSignOn servlet we use ... :((((
Rick Tessner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MYRA Systems Corp. Fone: (250) 381 1335 x125  Phax: (250) 381 1304
                   Cell: (250) 885 9452

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