Hi all,

I have a situation where I need direct access to the HttpServletRequest
and Reponse objects.  Basically, there's an existing servlet in our
environment, written a long time ago and used by many other bits to
provide SingleSignOn capability.  This servlet is used by more than
just things that reside within Cocoon2.  (ie. perl CGI processes, etc
use it as well).

I do not have the option of rewriting this servlet as a Cocoon
thingy.  Possibly in the future, but not today.

Okay, so having tried to justify that, :), I am faced with
trying to get the raw HttpServletRequest/Response objects from
within an Action in Cocoon2.  [ It used to be done within XSPs, 
but the advent of Actions made me switch to doing the SingleSignOn
stuff from within an Action instead. ]

The action looks like this:

 public Map act (Redirector redirector, SourceResolver resolver,
                 Map objectModel, String src, Parameters par)
 throws Exception {

     sso iAm = new sso(
                  objectModel.get(HttpEnvironment.HTTP_RESPONSE_OBJECT) );

What I'm finding is the the objectModel.get() is simply returning

What am I missing?  How do I get the raw HttpServletRequest/Response

Rick Tessner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MYRA Systems Corp. Fone: (250) 381 1335 x125  Phax: (250) 381 1304
                   Cell: (250) 885 9452

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 So make the best of this test and don't ask why.'

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