> Gerhard Froehlich wrote:
> > 
> > To problems I see:
> > 1. Pictures: How do I make references in the generated doc to a picture
> > in a database. Maybe with esql and xsp?
> How about creating a table called "OBJECTLINKS" that has a sourceId, a
> targetId, a sourceType and a targetType? Then you can make an entry in
> that table and point from the doc to the image or vice versa.
Yes I thought about this solution. And with this id the xsl file fetches the
data from the database and render it into html or pdf.
> > 2. How to request the document, because it's stored in the database.
> > Do I have to read it out maybe with a servlet and redirect it to cocoon.
> > But where I have to store the xsl stylesheets then? In the examples I
> > found only samples with content on the fs.
> You can read it out with esql:get-xml. If you use Cocoon1, you can also
> use the SOAP taglib for the infrastructure work.
Ok I will do some research here.

Thanx for your hints

Gerhard Fröhlich

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when GOD is dividing by zero" 

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