I've downloaded and built the Cocoon2 WAR file and successfully deployed it
in JBoss 2.2.2 + Tomcat 3.2.2.

However, I'm a little confused. I can't figure out where/how to develop a
new Cocoon based webapp. I figure I shouldn't have to compile a new WAR file
every time I add or change a file. Not to mention, the WAR gets undeployed
every time I restart the server, which removes the webapp's files.

Shouldn't I be able to define a new context and point it at the installed
Cocoon servlet? Or does this launch a separate Cocoon2 instance?

Should I simply extract the C2 WAR into a new directory, let Tomcat know
about it and work there until the app is done, then build it into a new WAR
and deploy it?

Or should I be using sub-sitemaps?

Lastly, is this a general enough question I can find the answer somewhere
else (e.g. the servlet 2.2 API docs)?

Thanks for your kind attention, Per.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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