> -----Original Message-----
> From: Per Kreipke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 12:10 PM
> Subject: RE: [C2] Webapp directory for development...
> I hate to do this, but I'm still confused. Can anyone help?
> 7/25/01:
> Berin,
> > > Should I simply extract the C2 WAR into a new directory, let Tomcat know
> > > about it and work there until the app is done, then build it
> > into a new WAR
> > > and deploy it?
> >
> >
> > This is the prefered development method.  WAR files are for deployment.
> Thanks! That makes sense to me. Follow up questions, if I may.
> 1. I could start with the entire contents of the WAR. But I'm wondering if
> the minimum set is:
> - sitemap.xmap (and only the necessary portions of it)
> - cocoon.xconf (leave as is)
> - WEB-INF/web.xml (no changes)
> - WEB-INF/lib (leave as is or modify according do documentation on required
> libs)
> - WEB-INF/db (drop if HSQL isn't needed)


> I don't see that anything else is needed to start a new Cocoon based webapp.
> It might be nice to have an Ant build target that builds a new directory
> (similar to the WAR target) but simpler.
> 2. Can I create two webapp directories off of one copy of the Cocoon2
> servlet?

NO. One webapp - one cocoon instance.

> Related question: if I have two copies of all the JARs in the
> WEB-INF/lib directory, are separate instances of each used (and is that a
> waste of memory)?

You may try and put all libs in global (to servlet engine) classpath.
It may work and may not - depending on serlvet engine and configuration, etc.


> Thanks, Per.
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