I have 2.0beta1 running on Orion 1.5.2, with the cocoon.war included in
a .ear file.

First you have to change the xerces and xalan files which are located in
Copy the xerces-x-x-x and xalan-x-x-x files from cocoon distribution,
into %ORION_ROOT% and rename them to just xerces.jar and xalan.jar.

Update manifest.mf in the orion.jar, change the classpath so that xalan
and xerces is first in line:

        Manifest-Version: 1.0
        Main-Class: com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer
        Name: "Orion Application Server"
        Created-By: 1.2 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
        Implementation-Vendor: "Evermind"
        Class-Path: xalan.jar xerces.jar ejb.jar jndi.jar jdbc.jar
jta.jar jaxp.jar crimson.jar saxon.jar tools.jar jsse.jar jnet.jar
                        activation.jar mail.jar jaas.jar
        Implementation-Version: "1.0.0"
        Implementation-Title: "com.evermind.server"

        Name: javax/servlet/
        Specification-Version: 2.3
        Implementation-Title: javax.servlet

        Name: javax/servlet/jsp/
        Specification-Version: 1.1
        Implementation-Title: javax.servlet.jsp

Add a application.xml into META-INF folder in the .ear file.

My server.xml looks like this:

        <application name="Cocoon" path="d:\MyDeploys\cocoon.ear"/>

and my default-web-site looks like this:

     <web-app application="Cocoon" name="cocoon" root="/cps" />

In case that I did remember everything you should be able to reach the
cocoon at url


if using cps as context root.

Good luck!


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:21 PM
Ämne: Re: Cocoon2 with OrionServer

Rajkumar, Joseph wrote:
> Hi Folks
>     I would like to know if anybody is using Cocoon2
> with the OrionServer ( see http://www.orionserver.com ).
> I have had OrionServer working with Cocoon-1.8.2, but have
> not yet tried using Cocoon2.

I've got someone working on that.  You should be able to do it

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