I have still the same Problem, Cocoon consumes all my memory over a short
period of time.
I did a few checks, so I could see that all instances of my Java Classes
(some need very much memory) a released correctly. I overwrote the finalize
method for that, and printed something to stdout, to see if they are

So, I think it's a Problem of Cocoon. How can I disable the cache, to check
wether that's the reason.
Has anybody an Idea what's going on here? If we wan't to release our site
like this, we need a script to restart tomcat every five minutes!! no way!

I hope somebody can help


> Hi!
> Im using Tomcat4.b5, JDK1.3.1 and Cocoon2.b2 on SuSeLinux 7.1
> The memory usage of the VM, cocoon is running on, is growing and growing
> each request. Aprox. 200K more by each request. This is going on until a
> OutOfMemory-Eception occures and the VM is using about 500 to 600 MB of
> memory.
> During generating my XSP pages, i store large Objects in the
> request-Atrributes to mak them available to other parts in the aggregate,
> because the need so much time to calculate.
> Is it possible that these objects are not released after the request had
> been processed completly? How can I check, witch object allocate how mutch
> of memory?
> Thanks in advance.
> Christoph Gaffga

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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