The logicsheets are prob being applied in the wrong order... try

      select name as reg_name,
             deviceID as reg_deviceID,
             description as reg_description,
             startTime as reg_startTime,
             endTime as reg_endTime
      from user, terminal, deviceType, registration
      where terminal.userID =
            and user.userID = terminal.userID
            and deviceType.deviceType = terminal.deviceType
            and registration.terminalID = terminal.terminalID;

There are several 'variables' available in the java src for you to use
directly, take a look in the generated java.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2001 10:23 am
> Subject: request taglib + query
> Hi all,
> and thanks for helping me so much!
> Unfortunately, I still cannot get my page to do what I want:
> *I am able to pick up the http request parameter from the URL 
> and display it
> *I am able to run the query if I hardcode the value
> *But I am not able to run the query with the value that I 
> pick up from the
> URL!
> I have also included the xml file and the generated java 
> code. It looks fine
> to me. You can see that I have put a request in the xml 
> document just to
> display, and this displays OK on the screen. But for some 
> reason it won't
> work in the query... The java code generated in each case is 
> the same, isn't
> it?
> *I have tried with ?userID=55512345
>                    ?userID='55512345'
>                    ?userID="55512345"
> *I have tried to have the database field as a string and as an integer
> *Using xsp-request instead of request doesn't work (I think 
> maybe that's for
> C2?)
> *I have tried EVERY other suggestion that I have received, 
> but with no luck
> I guess the reason must be that the query is attempted run BEFORE the
> parameter is found. Does anybody have any idea how I can work 
> around this to
> use the parameter in the query?
> I would also like to try to store the parameter in a 
> variable, and then try
> and use the variable in the query to see if that works. Does 
> anybody now how
> I can do that? Christopher and Max, you both had an idea of 
> building the
> query as a string with xsp:logic, but I am not able to do it 
> right! If I try
> to use request.GetParameter I get error messages...
> Thanks again!
> Regards
> Anne Marie
> Welcome.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
> <?xml-stylesheet href="welcome-html.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
> <?xml-stylesheet href="welcome-wml.xsl" type="text/xsl" media="wap"?>
> <?cocoon-process type="xsp"?>
> <?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>
> <!-- Welcome.xml -->
> <!-- Written by Anne Marie Hartvigsen -->
> <!DOCTYPE document [
> ]>
> <xsp:page language="java"
>           xmlns:xsp="";
>           xmlns:esql="";
>           xmlns:request="";
> >
> <document>
>   <head>
>     <pagetitle title="Titleinfo"/> 
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     <h1>
>       Welcome,
>       <request:get-parameter name="userID"/>
>     </h1>
>     <p>
>       Below the query results should be displayed.
>     </p>
>     <p/>
>     <br></br> 
>     <reg_data>
> <esql:connection>
>   <esql:pool>
>     annemarie
>   </esql:pool>
>   <esql:execute-query>
>     <esql:query>
>       select name as reg_name,
>              deviceID as reg_deviceID,
>              description as reg_description,
>              startTime as reg_startTime,
>              endTime as reg_endTime
>       from user, terminal, deviceType, registration
>       where terminal.userID = <request:get-parameter name="userID"/>
>             and user.userID = terminal.userID
>             and deviceType.deviceType = terminal.deviceType
>             and registration.terminalID = terminal.terminalID;
>     </esql:query>
>     <esql:results>
>       <header>
>         These are your registrations,
>       </header>
>       <esql:row-results>
>         <username>
>           <esql:get-string column="reg_name"/>
>         </username>
>         <registration>
>           <deviceID>
>             <esql:get-string column="reg_deviceID"/>
>           </deviceID>
>           <description>
>             <esql:get-string column="reg_description"/>
>           </description>
>           <startTime>
>             <esql:get-string column="reg_startTime"/>
>           </startTime>
>           <endTime>
>             <esql:get-string column="reg_endTime"/>
>           </endTime>
>         </registration>
>       </esql:row-results>
>     </esql:results>
>   </esql:execute-query>
> </esql:connection>
>     </reg_data>
>      <br></br>
>     <signature>
>       Made by: &email;
>     </signature>
>   </body>
> </document>
> </xsp:page>
> ---------------------------
>     package _var._tomcat._webapps._cocoon._vt._welcome;
>     import*;
>     import*;
>     import java.util.*;
>     import org.w3c.dom.*;
>     import org.xml.sax.*;
>     import javax.servlet.*;
>     import javax.servlet.http.*;
>     import org.apache.cocoon.parser.*;
>     import org.apache.cocoon.producer.*;
>     import org.apache.cocoon.framework.*;
>     import org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.*;
>     import org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.library.*;
>     /* User Imports */
>       import java.sql.DriverManager;
>       import java.sql.Connection;
>       import java.sql.Statement;
>       import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
>       import java.sql.ResultSet;
>       import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
>       import java.sql.SQLException;
>       import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
>       import java.text.DecimalFormat;
>       import;
>       import;
>       import;
>       import org.apache.turbine.util.db.pool.DBConnection;
>     public class _welcome extends XSPPage {
>       /* User Class Declarations */
>           static PoolBrokerService _esql_pool =
> PoolBrokerService.getInstance();
>       class EsqlConnection {
>             DBConnection db_connection = null;
>         Connection connection = null;
>         String dburl = null;
>         String username = null;
>         String password = null;
>       }
>       class EsqlQuery {
>         String query;
>         Statement statement;
>         PreparedStatement prepared_statement;
>         ResultSet resultset;
>         ResultSetMetaData resultset_metadata;
>         /** the position of the current row in the resultset **/
>         int position = -1;
>         int max_rows = -1;
>         int skip_rows = 0;
>         boolean results;
>       }
>       public void populateDocument(
>         HttpServletRequest request,
>         HttpServletResponse response,
>         Document document
>       )
>         throws Exception
>       {
>       // Node stack logic variables
>         Node xspParentNode = null;
>         Node xspCurrentNode = document;
>         Stack xspNodeStack = new Stack();
>       // Make session object readily available
>         HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
>           document.appendChild(
>             document.createProcessingInstruction(
>               "xml-stylesheet",
>               "href=\"welcome-html.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\""
>             )
>           );
>           document.appendChild(
>             document.createProcessingInstruction(
>               "xml-stylesheet",
>               "href=\"welcome-wml.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\" 
> media=\"wap\""
>             )
>           );
>           document.appendChild(
>             document.createProcessingInstruction(
>               "cocoon-process",
>               "type=\"xslt\""
>             )
>           );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("document");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>       ((Element) xspCurrentNode).setAttribute(
>         "xmlns:request",
>         "";
>       );
>       Stack _esql_connections = new Stack();
>       EsqlConnection _esql_connection = null;
>       Stack _esql_queries = new Stack();
>       EsqlQuery _esql_query = null;
>       SQLException _esql_exception = null;
>       StringWriter _esql_exception_writer = null;
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n  ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("head");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n    ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("pagetitle");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).setAttribute(
>       "title",
>       "Titleinfo"
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode(" \n  ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n\n  ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("body");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n    ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("h1");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n      Welcome,\n      ")
>     );
>         xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>           xspExpr(
>           XSPRequestLibrary.getParameter(
>             request,
>           String.valueOf("userID"),
>             null
>           )
>         , document)
>         );
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n    ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n    \n    ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("p");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n      Below the query 
> results should be
> displayed.\n    ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n    ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("p");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n\n    ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("br");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode(" \n\n    ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("reg_data");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n")
>     );
>     if (_esql_connection != null) {
>       _esql_connections.push(_esql_connection);
>     }
>     _esql_connection = new EsqlConnection();
>     try {
>           try {
>             _esql_connection.db_connection =
> _esql_pool.getConnection(String.valueOf(
>           "annemarie"
>         ));
>             _esql_connection.connection =
> _esql_connection.db_connection.getConnection();
>           } catch (Exception _esql_exception_N2c97cc) {
>             throw new RuntimeException("Error opening pooled 
> connection:
> "+String.valueOf(
>           "annemarie"
>         )+": "+_esql_exception_N2c97cc.getMessage());
>           }
>           if (_esql_connection.connection == null) {
>             throw new RuntimeException("Could not open pooled 
> connection:
> "+String.valueOf(
>           "annemarie"
>         ));
>           }
>       try {
>         if ("false".equals(String.valueOf(
>           ""
>         ))) {
>           _esql_connection.connection.setAutoCommit(false);
>         } else {
>           _esql_connection.connection.setAutoCommit(true);
>         }
>       } catch (Exception _esql_exception_N2c97cc) {
>         throw new RuntimeException("Error setting connection 
> autocommit");
>       }
>     if (_esql_query != null) {
>       _esql_queries.push(_esql_query);
>     }
>     _esql_query = new EsqlQuery();
>     _esql_query.query = String.valueOf(
>           ""
>                 + "       select name as reg_name,            
>   deviceID as
> reg_deviceID,              description as reg_description,
> startTime as reg_startTime,              endTime as 
> reg_endTime       from
> user, terminal, deviceType, registration       where 
> terminal.userID = "
>                 + 
>           XSPRequestLibrary.getParameter(
>             request,
>           String.valueOf("userID"),
>             null
>           )
>                 + "             and user.userID = terminal.userID
> and deviceType.deviceType = terminal.deviceType             and
> registration.terminalID = terminal.terminalID;     "
>               );
>     try {
>       _esql_query.max_rows = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(
>           ""
>         ));
>     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
>     try {
>       _esql_query.skip_rows = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(
>           ""
>         ));
>     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
>     try {
>           _esql_query.statement =
> _esql_connection.connection.createStatement();
>           _esql_query.results =
> _esql_query.statement.execute(_esql_query.query);
>       if (_esql_query.results) {
>         _esql_query.resultset = _esql_query.statement.getResultSet();
>         _esql_query.resultset_metadata =
> _esql_query.resultset.getMetaData();
>         _esql_query.position = 0;
>         if (_esql_query.skip_rows > 0) {
>           while ( {
>             _esql_query.position++;
>             if (_esql_query.position == _esql_query.skip_rows) {
>               break;
>             }
>           }
>         }
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("header");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n        These are your 
> registrations,\n
> ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     while ( {
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("username");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>         xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>           xspExpr(_esql_query.resultset.getString("reg_name")
>     , document)
>         );
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n        ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("registration");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("deviceID");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n            ")
>     );
>         xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>           xspExpr(_esql_query.resultset.getString("reg_deviceID")
>     , document)
>         );
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("description");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n            ")
>     );
>         xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>           xspExpr(_esql_query.resultset.getString("reg_description")
>     , document)
>         );
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("startTime");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n            ")
>     );
>         xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>           xspExpr(_esql_query.resultset.getString("reg_startTime")
>     , document)
>         );
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("endTime");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n            ")
>     );
>         xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>           xspExpr(_esql_query.resultset.getString("reg_endTime")
>     , document)
>         );
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n          ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n        ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>       _esql_query.position++;
>       if (_esql_query.max_rows != -1 && _esql_query.position -
> _esql_query.skip_rows == _esql_query.max_rows-1) {
>         break;
>       }
>     }
>         _esql_query.resultset.close();
>       } else {
>         _esql_query.position = _esql_query.statement.getUpdateCount();
>         if (_esql_query.position >= 0) {
>         }
>       }
>       _esql_query.statement.close();
>     } catch (SQLException _esql_exception_N32fb1e) {
>       try {
>             if (!_esql_connection.connection.getAutoCommit()) {
>               _esql_connection.connection.rollback();
>             }
>       } catch (Exception _esql_exception_N32fb1e_2) {}
>     }
>     if (_esql_queries.empty()) {
>       _esql_query = null;
>     } else {
>       _esql_query = (EsqlQuery)_esql_queries.pop();
>     }
>     } finally {
>       try {
>         if(!_esql_connection.connection.getAutoCommit()) {
>           _esql_connection.connection.commit();
>         }
> _esql_pool.releaseConnection(_esql_connection.db_connection);
>         if (_esql_connections.empty()) {
>           _esql_connection = null;
>         } else {
>           _esql_connection = (EsqlConnection)_esql_connections.pop();
>         }
>       } catch (Exception _esql_exception_N2c97cc) {}
>     }
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n\n    ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n    \n    \n\n     ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("br");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n\n    ")
>     );
>     xspParentNode = xspCurrentNode;
>     xspNodeStack.push(xspParentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode =
>       document.createElement("signature");
>     xspParentNode.appendChild(xspCurrentNode);
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n      Made by: 
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n  ")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>     xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>       document.createTextNode("\n")
>     );
>     ((Element) xspCurrentNode).normalize();
>     xspCurrentNode = (Node) xspNodeStack.pop();
>       }
>     }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
> FAQ before posting. <>
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