Anne Marie,

as far as I can see, the resulting java source is OK. A comparison of
the two fragments that reference the request parameter are identical
which they should be as both return a String.

On 14.Aug.2001 -- 11:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Printing ID to greet the user:

>         xspCurrentNode.appendChild(
>           xspExpr(
>           XSPRequestLibrary.getParameter(
>             request,
>           String.valueOf("userID"),
>             null
>           )
>         , document)
>         );

Using the ID for the query:

>     _esql_query.query = String.valueOf(
>           ""
>                 + "       select name as reg_name,              deviceID as
> reg_deviceID,              description as reg_description,
> startTime as reg_startTime,              endTime as reg_endTime       from
> user, terminal, deviceType, registration       where terminal.userID = "
>                 + 
>           XSPRequestLibrary.getParameter(
>             request,
>           String.valueOf("userID"),
>             null
>           )
>                 + "             and user.userID = terminal.userID
> and deviceType.deviceType = terminal.deviceType             and
> registration.terminalID = terminal.terminalID;     "
>               );

AFAICS this should run the query with the supplied parameter. 

Could you please
a) state what you expect and what happens instead
b) report all error messages
c) report the sql error message when using <esql:parameter/>
   Hint: <esql:error-results/> / <esql:get-message/>
d) check that a manual query with the exact query string (including
   all spaces!) does produce the correct result
e) not open new threads for the same problem

Although I do not expect this to have an impact, see if

        String myQuery="....." + <xsp-request:parameter name="userID"/> + "...";
        <p>Query is <pre>"<xsp:expr>myQuery</xsp:expr>"</pre></p>

does change anything.


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