Hi Jon,

>> I'll send you the instructions off-line, as WTE is IDE specific and
irrelevant for the vast majority of Cocoon2. <<

Received them, thank you.  I had already figured out some of the problems
(Oracle, nested classes, com.ibm.bsf).  Others seem to have disappeared with
C2b2 (missing classes).

>> As for WTE being exactly like WAS, that's what Big Blue's marketing
department would like you to believe.  However, reality is far from that
case.  Deploying it on WAS took a completely different set of steps. <<

I'll only get the real WAS in a couple of days or weeks, so I can't say
anything about it now.

Also, at the moment it looks like our customer wants 'pure' servlets and
beans only for his application, no XML 'toys'.  So for me the whole issue
with Cocoon2, VAJ and WTE/WAS might become irrelevant anyway, at least for

Thanks again,


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