
Thanks for the suggestions.  In response:

1.  Where do I find the  mysql_comp.jar you refer to (I do not have it on my Windows 
test machine) and a quick scan at the mysql site did not reveal anything either... all 
I have is the mm.mysql driver (as seen below) which is in the Java lib.

2. I cannot run the supplied esql examples as they depend on having the postgresql 
database installed...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/10/2001 05:11:43 >>>

I assume that the MySQL jar is in the classpath? Depending on the 
version of Tomcat you're running, you'll want mysql_comp.jar in either 
$TOMCAT_HOME/lib or $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib.

Another idea is to run one of the supplied esql examples just to make 
sure that the taglib is working correctly.


Derek Hohls wrote:

> I have a Cocoon system which fine on a setup under Win2000 as a localhost 
>(Apache/Tomcat); but when I upload it to our UNIX server, also  running Apache/Tomcat 
>(which has just been setup to handle Cocoon - so we are still in 'testing' mode) - 
>the app just hangs...
> The XML page is given below (altho' I do not think it is a syntax problem) - the 
>MySQL part works OK if I logon to the server and run tests from the command line 
>interface...  Cocoon also handles normal XML pages fine, and the 
>file include the esql taglib.
> Any ideas as to where the 'hangup' might be or what part of the system I should look 
>at it to try and see where it is getting to?  My UNIX knowledge is very very basic 
>(at best).
> All help much appreciated!
> Derek
> *****
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <?cocoon-process type="xsp"?>
> <?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>
> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="one_computer.xsl"?>
> <xsp:page
>   xmlns:xsp="";
>   xmlns:esql="";
>       xmlns:request="";
> <page>
> <esql:connection>
>   <esql:driver></esql:driver>
>   <esql:dburl>jdbc:mysql://</esql:dburl>
>   <esql:username>est</esql:username>
>   <esql:password>est</esql:password>
>    <esql:execute-query>
>     <esql:query>SELECT * FROM computer</esql:query>
>      <esql:results>
>       <esql:row-results>
>         <computer>
>            <system><esql:get-string column="System"/></system>
>          </computer>
>       </esql:row-results>
>     </esql:results>                           
>    </esql:execute-query>
> </esql:connection>
> </page>
> </xsp:page>
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