Hi Derek:

Maybe the JDBC jar came with your version of MySQL? I downloaded mine 
from http://www.mysql.com/Downloads/Contrib/mm.mysql.jdbc-1.2c.tar.gz. I 
then had to edit tomcat.bat/sh so it could find the jar file. I 
initially developed my app on Win98 and then ported it to Linux, but I 
didn't have your problem.

You're right about the supplied esql examples. All you have to do is 
change the parameters to those of your MySQL database and create the 
test table there. Or you can change the esql example to point to an 
existing table in your database.

You might also try what Marty suggested first in the last post on this 
thread. SOP is to delete tomcat's work diretory for the cocoon webapp 
($TOMCAT_HOME/work/localhost/cocoon) when you fix an error and want to 
restart Tomcat and test again.


Derek Hohls wrote:

> Lajos 
> Thanks for the suggestions.  In response:
> 1.  Where do I find the  mysql_comp.jar you refer to (I do not have it on my Windows 
>test machine) and a quick scan at the mysql site did not reveal anything either... 
>all I have is the mm.mysql driver (as seen below) which is in the Java lib.
> 2. I cannot run the supplied esql examples as they depend on having the postgresql 
>database installed...
>   <esql:driver>org.postgresql.Driver</esql:driver>
>   <esql:dburl>jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test</esql:dburl>
>   <esql:username>test</esql:username>
>   <esql:password>test</esql:password>
> Thanks
> Derek
>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/10/2001 05:11:43 >>>
> Derek:
> I assume that the MySQL jar is in the classpath? Depending on the 
> version of Tomcat you're running, you'll want mysql_comp.jar in either 
> $TOMCAT_HOME/lib or $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib.
> Another idea is to run one of the supplied esql examples just to make 
> sure that the taglib is working correctly.
> Lajos
> Derek Hohls wrote:
>>I have a Cocoon system which fine on a setup under Win2000 as a localhost 
>(Apache/Tomcat); but when I upload it to our UNIX server, also  running Apache/Tomcat 
>(which has just been setup to handle Cocoon - so we are still in 'testing' mode) - 
>the app just hangs...
>>The XML page is given below (altho' I do not think it is a syntax problem) - the 
>MySQL part works OK if I logon to the server and run tests from the command line 
>interface...  Cocoon also handles normal XML pages fine, and the cocoon.properties 
>file include the esql taglib.
>>Any ideas as to where the 'hangup' might be or what part of the system I should look 
>at it to try and see where it is getting to?  My UNIX knowledge is very very basic 
>(at best).
>>All help much appreciated!
>><?xml version="1.0"?>
>><?cocoon-process type="xsp"?>
>><?cocoon-process type="xslt"?>
>><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="one_computer.xsl"?>
>>  xmlns:xsp="http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Core";
>>  xmlns:esql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/v2";
>>      xmlns:request="http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Request";
>>  <esql:driver>org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver</esql:driver>
>>  <esql:dburl>jdbc:mysql://myhost.com/est</esql:dburl>
>>  <esql:username>est</esql:username>
>>  <esql:password>est</esql:password>
>>   <esql:execute-query>
>>    <esql:query>SELECT * FROM computer</esql:query>
>>     <esql:results>
>>      <esql:row-results>
>>        <computer>
>>           <system><esql:get-string column="System"/></system>
>>         </computer>
>>      </esql:row-results>
>>    </esql:results>                           
>>   </esql:execute-query>
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