Wim Peeters wrote:

> Hello, 
> Can someone help me with the installation of cocoon.
> If there a document or is someon willing to describe
> the steps to make tomcat work with cocoon. I have the
> following versions installed on my machine:
> apache http server 1.3.22
> tomcat 4.0.1
> cocoon 1.8

This is what I have added to the conf.httpd file to get Cocoon 2 working 
on Linux Slackware with Apache and Tomcat 4 (Catalina):

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/mod_webapp.so
AddModule mod_webapp.c
WebAppConnection conn      warp  localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy     cocoon    conn  /cocoon
WebAppInfo /webapp-info

It worked immediately after restarting Tomcat4 and Apache.

I have not tried this with Cocoon1.8, but I guess it will work as well. 
The mod-webapp.so module can be obtained from CVS

Hope this helps,

> thanks a lot
> Wim Peeters
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