I'm trying to decide whether or not to use Cocoon or just Tomcat (via mod_webapp with Apache/SSL) with Servlets, JSP, and Taglibs. What does this list think? I've done stuff with Cocoon, but frankly, it's more complicated to map servlets and tag libs which I would use extensively in my site, not to mention it's easy to build an entire site based on Tomcat with Forte for Java, since it's all built in. I can also create taglibs and have an <xml> tag or something that I would then use Xerces and Xalan to transform the source XML and XSL files, maybe even the FOP library for some kind of print servlet. Isn't that basically what Cocoon is doing with the sitemap, just mapping requests for files (like **.html to **.xml) to a Java class(es) using Xerces and Xalan to transform the source?

Heath Stewart
Network Administrator / Web Developer
College of Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University

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