Hiya - Newbie question again,

I'm looking for some advice on the best way to include some dynamically
generated XML data in C2.
I'm new to this, but can see there are a plethora of ways, but I can't yet
see the best way for me.

In my original system I used XSL stylesheets and Custom URIResolvers to
'pull' data in to a stylesheet using the document() function - e.g.
document('rmi://myserver/mydatachunk') sort of thing.

How is this sort of thing accomplished with C2?

1. Using XSP seems to be a good way to insert some small strings - but I
couldn't see any examples (or if it is possible) to insert whole XML
documents in situ in the target doc. And besides to choose which data to
insert at this level seems to break the MVC paradigm - as I need to know
about the view I am catering for.

2. Aggregating - this again seems like a push method whereby you have to
have the data already in memory or on disk somewhere in order to combine it.

3. Maybe I could use some sort of custom URL protocol manager like the
cocoon:/ and resource:/? Is it possible to supply new instances of these?

4. Or I could use my URI resolvers again? Is it possible to set Custom URI
resolvers in C2

5. I haven't had much to do with actions yet? Could they be used to load the
XML data chunk and stick it in some sort of context that could then be fed
into the Transformer layer.

Please tell me what you think / flame me etc. as I'm all in a muddle.

Yours, slightly frustrated but very keen and impressed newbie C2 user

Luke Studley

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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