
Still no luck!!  Please send the copies of all the files you think are


[sinking fast into despair  }-[

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/11/2001 09:38:49 >>>
Sure we're still running 1.8.2; works for my site and probably will 
until I ever find the time to upgrade to 2.01.

Basically, here is how I got it all to work (1.8.2 w/ Tomcat 3.2.2 & 
MySQL on both Linux & Win 98):

1) added mysql_comp.jar to Tomcat's classpath (I just edited

/tomcat.bat, but I suppose you could just throw it in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib

2) edited and added a line to for the mysql driver:

(add this after the other adaptors: note that DBMySQL is incorrect!).

3) edited and added the connection info for the

4) restarted tomcat

Let me know if this still doesn't work & I can send you copies of the 
actual files.


Derek Hohls wrote:

> You can skip the rant and read the request at the end...
> <rant>
> "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him" Julius Caesar, Act III,
Scene ii
> So, at one time in my life, I was a Windows programmer [well, still
am, really].  And life was occasionally frustrating, but mostly colorful
and satisfying.  And then came the Web.  Wow!  New ideas, new paradigms,
and new languages to learn... and boy, did they come thick and fast in a
stream of acronyms... HMTL, CSS, JS; followed by XML, JSP, XSLT.  I did
my best to absorb them all and see how and where they could be used to
help those around [non techies, mostly] me to make use (and sense!) of
this 'information revolution'.  
> Looming over it all, of course, is the ongoing conflict between Sun
[Java] and Microsoft [VB/ASP et al].  Open source vs vendor.  Being in a
poorish country, with limited resources, OS made financial sense; and
the paradigm and philosophy was one that appealed to my nature.  But
what to use?  I did not have the luxury of time to contribute (or, in
most cases, even the expertise) to a new area, and needed something that
was useful and intuitive to use.  Then I found Cocoon - at last,
something that tied together everything I had been learning in a
meaningful way.   I installed it - it worked [pretty much - BUT see
below] and I started designing, developing and coding.  I scorned those
others who were suggesting - dare I say it aloud - M$ tools such as
VBScript, ASP or even Oracle Web Developers XYZ; "don't be fooled, I
said, big companies do not have your interests at heart - OS is the way,
the truth... well, anyway, it's good and What We Should Be Doing".  That
was then.  
Now (for the last 4 weeks) I have been desperately trying to get a UNIX
box working to replicate what I have on my development machine; while
colleagues [techie and non techie] alike are watching with increasing
scepticism as they move on with Oracle, ASP and Access [choke] et al.  
No one is actually smirking yet.... at least not to my face.  I have
posted before - but the traffic seems thick with [c2] and [docbook]
queries... maybe I am the last person on the planet still trying to use
> Is it too late - maybe M$ will take me back - "look, son, here is an
ASP primer and an Intro to VB - its not hard... you don't really need
that U**X... let me dim the lights for you...".
> </rant>
> <request>
> Seriously, I really do need help trying to finalize my Cocoon
installations.   I have 3 machines, and each of which has a slightly
different problem.  All are running Apache/Tomcat/Cocoon 1.8.2/mySQL.
> Machine 1: Win2000 (development)
> - dbPool does NOT work BUT embedding Database properties in <esql>
tags does 
> Machine 2: UNIX (test)
> - dpPool works BUT embedding Database properties in <esql> tags does
> Machine 3: UNIX (Deployment)
> - neither dbPool or embedded properties works!
> I am sure the problems lie with some configuration or file location
SOMEWHERE, but have run out things to try ... apart from pushing buttons
at random.  If I cannot solve this very soon, it will be back to M$
tools and that would not, I think, be good for my soul.
> </request>
> Many thanks for listening
> Derek
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