arjen stolk wrote:

> hello all,
> i'm trying to get a cocoon2 sql to html sample running.
> oke it is producing html, but it is slooooooooooooooooooooooow.
> (45 secs 100% cpu on a 450 mhz 128mb pII for about 15 records 15 rows)

Is this only on the first access, or on every access?

Do your logs give you any further information like exceptions that are

It's not much to go on here.  I have been able to have a solution that
uses the database extensively, but haven't dealt with such slow times.

Another question:

Is your disk spinning incessantly while it is serving the page?  It could
be that the system is swapping memory pages left and right.

What are the memory settings on your JVM?


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