Well, I do feel stupid. I did everything right by heart, I've just used the
wrong URLs.. ;) After /cocoon and /cocoon/documentation not working, I felt
like giving up; while having a working JBoss3+Cocoon setup already..

Thanks for your time,

On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 01:40:57PM +0800, Chris Hamilton wrote:
> I tried the 3.0alpha from the website with no luck (it couldn't find 
> language resources that should have been there for jetty).  I then 
> downloaded the jboss-all cvs and tried to get the unjar'd cocoon working 
> by modifying jetty.xml in the jetty plugin sar.  That didn't work. 
> However, I tried the below cocoon.war setup with cvs and it does seem 
> to work. Its /cocoon/welcome compiled the sitemap (about twice as slow 
> as the unjar'd in 2.4.3) OK.
> I then went to /cocoon/welcome and tested the features and I believe it 
> works (SVG startup was SLOW).  Don't know about cocoon/documentation, 
> but cocoon/documents/index.html worked.
> Like the setup below, other than the going to /welcome instead of 
> /cocoon/welcome like it should, it works.
> -Chris
> Jozsa Kristof wrote:
> >Chris,
> >
> >I was very happy to read your mail, as I'm suffering with Cocoon and Jetty
> >without any success for some time now. My situation is only a little bit
> >different, I'm playing with JBoss3, which is tightly integrated with Jetty.
> >I've did everything what came to my mind (about replacing the xml parsers,
> >and playing with jboss' classpath), but couldn't get the thing working. 
> >
> >After getting your mail, I tried it your way; so I dropped cocoon into
> >deploy, placed the jars, added the classpath, but got similar results as
> >before. Trying to browse /cocoon it forwards to /welcome, which does not
> >exists, and eg. trying to reach /cocoon/documentation/, I get a plain file
> >listing; so the sitemap does not get executed.
> >
> >Can you check your method on the JBoss 3.0 alpha tarball, or any cvs
> >snapshots please? It's a critical point for me whether Cocoon can work 
> >using
> >JBoss3 or not.
> >
> >Best regards,
> >Christopher
> >
> >On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 12:47:23PM +0800, Chris Hamilton wrote:
> >
> >>Hi, I just wanted to report success in building the latest Jboss-Jetty 
> >>and Cocoon 2.
> >>
> >>I am new to using Java, but I wanted to share this as it appears to be 
> >>quite different
> >>from older mail-list configurations.
> >>
> >>JBoss-2.4.3_Jetty-3.1.3-1, Cocoon-2.0
> >>Rock Linux 1.5.12-DEV,  Sun 1.3.1 SDK
> >>
> >>It is actually quite simple:
> >>
> >>Step 1:
> >>
> >>Install cocoon as a war in either jboss/deploy or jetty/webapps.
> >>
> >>Or
> >>
> >>Place the cocoon-x.x/webapp directory in jetty/webapps as cocoon and add
> >>
> >><Call name="addWebApplication">
> >>  <Arg>/cocoon/*</Arg>
> >>  <Arg><SystemProperty name="jetty.home" 
> >>default="."/>/webapps/cocoon</Arg>
> >>  <Arg><SystemProperty name="jetty.home" 
> >>default="."/>/etc/webdefault.xml</Arg>
> >></Call>
> >>Inside Configure tags of jboss/conf/jetty/jetty.xml .
> >>
> >>Step 2:
> >>
> >>Then copy from cocoon-x.x/lib to jboss/lib the following jars:
> >>xerces-1.4.4.jar
> >>xalan-2.2.0-D13.jar
> >>xml-apis.jar
> >>jstyle.jar
> >>
> >>Step 3:
> >>Add them to the jboss/bin/run.sh classpath before crimson.jar:
> >>
> >>JBOSS_CLASSPATH=$JBOSS_CLASSPATH:../lib/xerces-1.4.4.jar
> >>JBOSS_CLASSPATH=$JBOSS_CLASSPATH:../lib/xalan-2.2.0-D13.jar
> >>JBOSS_CLASSPATH=$JBOSS_CLASSPATH:../lib/xml-apis.jar
> >>
> >>Step 4:
> >>Run and test it. (Warning cocoon's welcome page from /cocoon appears to 
> >>go to
> >>/welcome instead of /cocoon/welcome so just use that URI instead.)
> >>
> >>There is no need to delete any libraries from jboss or jetty with this 
> >>version. I think
> >>all cocoon demonstrations worked with this.
> >>
> >>I hope this will be useful.
> >>
> >>-Chris Hamilton
> >>
> >>
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> >
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