Title: RE: develop content management system


I too am interested in development of a content management system. From reading the posts on this subject, the general feeling is that content management systems developed so far, have missed the point.

IMHO cms's are most useful in an intranet scenario where many people would like to contribute information but give up becaue it is all to hard. CMS on an internet site really needs to have a number of control mechanisms implemented as you don't want anyone adding information to a publicly accessible site (workflow management).

I don't think that we should create yet another simpletons web editor. There is ample evidence of these systems around already and I believe that they ultimately miss the point. If I was to put forward a design goal as to what is needed, I would have to say that there is a huge need for a system that separates the storage of content in its many forms (documents, web pages, images, data sources) from there physical storage locations (and navigation paths) and ultimately the way that this content can be manipulated into new and value added ways. A simple example would be to allow people to use a word processor to generate content (something most people are comfortable with) and save it into a 'system' that can then extract this information and (for example) merge it into a web based display with other similar information. Add to this the ability to navigate to the same content from different navigation paths and you start to create a powerful paradigm that is yet to be done really well and make many peoples lives easier. Versioning of content, workflow management in the creation and approval of conent are other area's that need work to.

Just a thought :)

Stephen Manning

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:57
Subject: Re: develop content management system

Concerning a CMS based on Cocoon:

You might check out Wyona which is a CMS based on Cocoon.

The bin (war) and src version can be downloaded from

Many people are already working on this system. Maybe we are
able to bundle our resources.

Thanks and all the best


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