Did you try to comment out the svg serializers in the sitemap?

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Baer Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Gesendet: Montag, 4. Februar 2002 10:50
Betreff: Re: RE: File mode cause of "sitemap not available" problems?

Hi Chris,

thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately we need the graphics stuff, and we'd prefer to run a real
X server (not a headless replacement). However, we'll give Xvfb a go, as
soon as we have time.

We tried PJA, BTW, but C2 was unable to finde the Jars, although we put 
them in all the lib directories of which we know (one after another) 
that Java searches them for Jar files, and we also tried setting the 
CLASSPATH. It didn't work.

One problem here, is apparently that Cocoon can't be started ouf of the
box without running into problems, as, eg, the example applications use
SVG etc. Wouldn't it be a good idea to separate the stuff depending on X
/ AWT from the rest, so that one could, at least, get Cocoon up and 
running, and add the rest later?

Think that would help newbies and upgraders from C1!

|    Peter C. A. Bär            | Siemens Business Services & Co. OHG |
|    Fon  +49.911.654-2387      | Von-der-Tann-Str. 30-31             |
|    Fax  +49.911.654-2108      | 90439 Nürnberg                      |
|                               | Deutschland                         |
|              >>>  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  <<<             |

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