From: "Stephen Ng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Right now Cocoon takes (possibly malformed?) html, and runs it through a
> program to tidy up the html before shooting it to the browser.

And also does extra checking that JTidy doesn't do on duplicate attributes.
This *does* excat in a performance penalty, so if you are sure that your
html is xhtml, you should go with the default (xml)file Generator.

> I would like to do something like the opposite of that.  I believe my
> code already generates valid xhtml, and don't need to take the extra
> processing time to have it cleaned up.  Presumably I can do this by
> using the xml serializer, but changing the output type to html?

JTidy is run in the HTML Generation step. The output is -of course- correct
xml since Cocoon SAX pipeline processed it.

> But I would like to go further than this and have a transformer which
> checks my xhtml against a dtd, and give me an error if it is
> nonconformant.  (I'd use the transformer only during development).
> Has anyone ever tried this?

AFAIK, conformance checking is done on parsing, ie Generation time. To do
this without using a Transformer, you can just have a "development" pipeline
that Generates from the results of the pipeline you want to check for

Nicola Ken Barozzi                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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