I'm trying to build a site using cocoon, but for my production system I don't
want any of the examples cluttering up my disk or the site.  I don't need any
SQL, XSL:FO, SVG, any of the demo sites, or even HTML output, and so I'd like
to be able to remove all of those things from cocoon.xconf and sitemap.xmap,
as well as remove the uncessecessary .jars from the lib/ directory.

Does anyone know of a sample Cocoon config that is absolutely the bare
minimum for generating XML with JSP and transforming with XSLT 
transformers?  I'm trying to strip out
the extra pieces from my configs one by one, but its a long and tedious
process because there seem to be hidden dependencies all over the place.  I'm
hoping someone has already done this and could help me out.  Thanks!

Peter Davis

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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