> From: Peter Robins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Tuesday 02 Apr 2002 2:23 pm, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> > > From: Peter Robins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >
> > > Just tried this with 2.0.2: my docs etc plus core cocoon. 
> > > However, it tries
> > > to generate the cocoon documentation and the scratchpad as 
> > > well, which I
> > > don't want in my production environment. Is there a way to 
> > > produce the webapp
> > > without these (other than creating my own build.xml of course)?
> >
> > It just compiles and packages scratchpad.jar, it isn't going into
WAR if
> > no special option specified.
> it creates an avalon.excalibur.scratchpad jar - or is that something

That's the scratchpad of Excalibur, not Cocoon :)

> > Or, you can rm -rf scratchpad/src/*
> No, scratchpad/src has to be present or it fails. 

Remove everything under it, but keep src dir.

> However, I've since
> discovered that you can have an empty src/scratchpad/src and an empty
> src/documentation/images and it runs through happily. You can then
delete the
> (empty) documentation in the war!
> Also, although the cocoon jar is quite a bit smaller than the default,
> still not entirely clean. For example, I see hsqldb/Server.class in

Server class is abstract Server, not the HSQLDB server.

> even though I'm not using hsqldb; also some deli classes even though
I'm not
> using deli.

Make sure to "build clean" after adding/removing any lib as described in
the installation manual.


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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