XSL:  you can also use   to force spaces....

Placing JavaScript inside XSLT should *not* cause any 
problems - use the <![CDATA notation - see:


I had no problems with the formatting of the Javascript
being altered when I did this...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 26/03/2002 12:52:11 >>>
I had the same problem.  Adding
<xsl:output indent="no" />
<xsl:strip-space elements="*" />
right under the root node solved the problem.  Every image sticks
to the previous one in the browser.  All the tags follow one another. 
also a very good way to compress the HTML output.  There's one drawback

though: all the leading spaces are stripped too.  So if you are relying
a space to separate text from an image you have to add a space using
xsl:text element.
Make sure you don't have any JavaScript in your page or the lines from
code will be placed on 1 line too.  Use external javascript files and 
everything is solved.

At 01:49 26/03/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Rookie cocoon user. Asked this question about a week ago and got no
>answer, trying to rephrase it.
>I have very simple XML documents. I'm using a simple XSL to insert
>content (from the XML) into an XHTML skin. Works well except the
>resulting HTML is modified which breaks browser display compatibility
>(menu layout spacing is drastically, and incorrectly, changed).
>     <tr><td><a href="somwhere.htm"><DEFANGED_IMG
><a href="somwhere.htm">
><DEFANGED_IMG src="image.gif"/>
>Is there some way to keep the XHTML that is embedded in my XSL from
>being reformatted this way. I've tried messing with a variety of XML
>XSL whitespace control techniques, but none with the desired result.
>Any help would be appreciated.
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