Rookie cocoon user. Asked this question about a week ago and got no
answer, trying to rephrase it.

I have very simple XML documents. I'm using a simple XSL to insert
content (from the XML) into an XHTML skin. Works well except the
resulting HTML is modified which breaks browser display compatibility
(menu layout spacing is drastically, and incorrectly, changed). Example:

    <tr><td><a href="somwhere.htm"><img src="image.gif"></a></td></tr>

<a href="somwhere.htm">
<img src="image.gif"/>

Is there some way to keep the XHTML that is embedded in my XSL from
being reformatted this way. I've tried messing with a variety of XML and
XSL whitespace control techniques, but none with the desired result.

Any help would be appreciated.


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