did you delete the Tomcat work directory for cocoon?

(don't trust me, i am just a beginner :-)

Peter Jacobs

> -----Original Message-----
> From: caleb racey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: dinsdag 26 maart 2002 14:11
> Subject: cocoon 2.0.2 and mod_webapp
> Jdk=suns jdk1.3.1_02
> Os=redhat 7.2 (headless)
> Servlet container = tomcat 4.0.1
> Cocoon= cocoon 2.0.2
> Webserver = apache 1.3.23
> I have just upgraded from cocoon 2.0.1 too 2.0.2 on my server
> Previously I had cocoon 2.0.1 running fine through apache + mod_webapp +
> tomcat on my headless redhat box (I'm using the pja headless stuff). So
> when I visited my server http://myserver/cocoon cocoon appeared.
> Now when I try it I get a cocoon error message (see at bottom of page).
> Cocoon 2.0.2 is working when accessed solely though tomcat
> http://myserver:8080/cocoon. The problem only arrises  when accessed via
> apache+mod_webapp+tomcat, the error message displayed in the browser is:
> Cocoon 2 - Internal server error
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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