I have no clue why this happens, but have you tried putting the escaped
stuff into CDATA-braces with the first stylesheet?
I think this should keep the second one from unescaping....

Maybe an idea

-----Original Message-----
From: Florent Soulière [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 6:03 PM
Subject: XSLT - processing XML from a database field problem


I already passed 2 days trying to solve my problem by myself, but I did not
The situation:
I use the SQL Transformer to get data from database. inside this data, there
are fields containing XHTML (e.g. <b>this is bold text</b>). What I want to
do with all the data is to produce a PDF document using FO.
To accomplish such a thing, I use 2 XSL pages: one for "unescaping" the
&lt;b&gt;, &lt;i&gt; and other XHTML tags into some valid XML-like tags
(<b>, <i>, ...) with <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes">. And the
other xsl page does the "big job" by transforming all the document into a FO
document (including the XHTML tags, of course).

The problem:
Even if the unescaping works fine (I checked it by watching the output of
the XSLT transformation of the "unescaping XSL page"), it seems that when I
want to process the <b>, <i> & others with a standard
<xsl:apply-templates/>, they automatically come back to a non-escaped form.

What I already tried:
I tried to replace <xsl:apply-templates/> by a <xsl:copy-of .../>. And I saw
that my XHTML tags were still unescaped, as expected. So I really wonder why
they come back to escaped when applied with apply-templates...
I tried to split the global process into 2 steps: with one pipeline, I get
the unescaped intermediate result, that I store manually into an xml file,
and then with another pipeline I read the intermediate file and push it into
the "big job" XSLT page... And it works!

So, I really would like to know what's wrong with this unescaping and
chained-XSLT stuff... I know that this problems of integrating XML fragments
into Cocoon's pipelines have always been sensitive, although the
documentation have absolutely no care with this.

If anyone can help, thank you in advance.

Florent, Soulière
Stagiaire e-Technologies Lyon
T-Systems Soleri
Groupe Deutsche Telekom
Notre métier: la convergence informatique et télécoms
Convergence is our Business
tél.:    +33 4 37 65 24 26
fax:    +33 4 37 65 22 31

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