> From: Chitharanjan Das [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hello Vadim,
>       Thanks for the quick respose..
> Shouldn't the XSP generator create the declaration for xspAttr for the
> functions generation code

Nope - how it will now?

> Or make xspAttr as a class member variable ..

This is more close to the reality. Historically, it is not there.


> Having to define variables, which I will not be using in every
> to ensure XSP gets compiled, kind a make it slightly unattractive
> it ....
> Regds,
> Chiths
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vadim Gritsenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 7:55 PM
> Subject: RE: Urgent:Error in XSP Generation...
> > From: Chitharanjan Das [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > Hello,
> >     I am using cocoon 2.0.3 from CVS..
> >
> > In XSP's , if I defined a function which o/p's data, it gives an
> > in compilation
> > Variable xspAttr is not defined, because the XSP generator defines
> > variable only for the method
> >     public void generate() throws SAXException, IOException,
> > ProcessingException;
> Yup.
> > Upon declaring xspAttr in my function the XSP started working.
> Yup.
> > Following
> > is the illustration of my function declaration
> >
> > XSP page snippet:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> > <xsp:page language="java"
> >           xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp";
> >           xmlns:xsp-session="http://apache.org/xsp/session/2.0";
> >           xmlns:xsp-request="http://apache.org/xsp/request/2.0";
> >           xmlns:capture="http://apache.org/cocoon/capture/1.0";>
> >
> > <xsp:structure>
> >
> >
> > ude>
> > </xsp:structure>
> >
> > <xsp:logic> <![CDATA[
> >     public void printParameters(Parameters params) throws
> > SAXException{
> >             String [] paramNames = params.getNames();
> >
> >             AttributesImpl xspAttr = new AttributesImpl();
> >             if(paramNames != null && paramNames.length > 0) {
> >                     for(int i=0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
> >                             System.out.println("I am here");
> >     ]]>
> >             <para>Hello</para>
> Why so many CDATA sections? If you have no '<' and '>', CDATA is not
> required:
> >                     }
> >             } else {
> >             <para>No parameters</para>
> >             }
> >     }
> > </xsp:logic>
> >
> >
> > <page>
> > ......
> > </page>
> >
> > </xsp:page>
> >
> >
> > I know that that the function if used are only to manipulate data
> > not for content generation, hey but why not....
> >
> > Could any one of the developers, acknowledge whether this is a bug
> > not..........
> Nope. All is normal.
> Vadim
> >
> > Thanks in Advance,
> >
> > Regds,
> > Chiths

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