Thank you for the response but how to change the encoding of the servlet
container ?
that is what i want to do !

Best regards


>>IIRC, form validator works on encoding of the servlet container. You
>>>have two options:
>>1. Patch form validator
>>2. Change encoding of the servlet container

> Hi,


> I can't resolve my problem : i try to make the form-validation works
> utf-8 data, it only works with Iso-????

> In my sitemap.xmap, i try the form-encoding as described in an email
> it's still the same, when login or password input is in Utf-8
caracters, the
> form-validator reject.
>      <map:match pattern="asp*/*/do-login">
>         <!-- first validate whether submitted values are ok -->
>         <map:act type="form-validator">
>           <map:parameter name="descriptor"
> value="context://test/descriptors/params.xml"/>
>           <map:parameter name="validate" value="login,password"
> form-encoding="UTF-8"/>

This (form-encoding attribute) is *not* valid syntax for parameter.
Parameter element understands *only* name and value attributes.


>           <!-- now try to log in -->
>           <map:act type="db-authenticator">
>             <map:parameter name="descriptor"
> value="context://test/descriptors/auth.xml"/>
>             <!-- now go to protected area -->
>             <map:redirect-to uri="login_ok.htm"/>
>           </map:act>
>         </map:act>
>         <!-- something was wrong, try it again -->
>         <map:redirect-to uri="login_nok.htm"/>
>       </map:match>
> Any idea ?
> Thanks
> Patrick

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