On 13.Apr.2002 -- 02:25 PM, Michael Raffenberg wrote:
> >org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception: 
>org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling 
> >Line 470, column -1: inconvertible types
> >Line 0, column 0:
> >1 errorHere is the code:
> Here is Code from Merci_dics_xsü.java
> 464-493
>   // nested result set
>     if (_esql_query != null) {
>       _esql_queries.push(_esql_query);
>     }
>   _esql_query = new EsqlQuery((ResultSet) 
>         (test)
>       );

Any idea where this "(test)" might come from? The resulting code seems
not to by in sync with the example you posted.


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