Mike Dewar wrote:
> Thanks for this suggestion, but I'm afraid it isn't the answer.  When I
> say "larger PDF files" I mean over 150K, which is hardly huge.  I tried
> setting the maximum java heap size to 100Mb anyway but it still didn't
> work.

Cocoon uses FOP for rendering PDF, and it can really
gobble up unbelievable amounts of memory, even for
relatively small output. 500MB had been reported. It's
all depending on the complexity of the layout, size of
embedded graphics and so on. Check your logs, or try to
generate your PDF with the FOP command line tool. This
way you can spot FOP problems easier, and if the memory
shortge is the problem, you can experiment with memory


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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