On Monday 22 April 2002 15:31, Peter Flynn wrote:

>. . .
> Requirement: an XML/XSL[T] server that simply recognises .xml,
> performs the relevant conversion, and ships out the result. Cocoon-1
> did this fine: why break a perfectly good piece of software?

Hey that's an easy one - allow me to quote Vadim's previous answer:

> > Read concept docs and sitemap docs on Cocoon site. Sitemap is the only
> > way to tell Cocoon what it needs to do. You should spend some time to
> > get it - once you get it, chances are, you will love it.

Something like

<map:match pattern="rtfm/*.xml">
  <map:generate src="somewhere/{1}.xml/>
  <map:transform src="xslt-stuff/transform.xsl"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

would certainly help...

 Bertrand Delacrétaz (codeconsult.ch, jfor.org)

 buzzwords: XML, java, XSLT, cocoon, mentoring/teaching/coding.
 disclaimer: eternity is very long. mostly towards the end. get ready.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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