I'm installing cocoon 2.0.2 on a redhat 7.2 server
with Sun's JDK 1.4, and the lates Tomcat (the lite
version, with out the jars now supplied by the JDK).

FIRST, I installed the binary version, copied Xerces,
xalan ans xml-apis and I also replaced the javac.jar
as specified in the install instructions.
When I browse to the cocoon url I get an error
compiling sitemap: NoClassDefFound:

THEN, Thinking this might be a jdk compatability
issue, I tried building from source.  When I do that I
get 24 errors all related to EsqlConnection and
EsqlConnectionCocoon2, which extend

Question 1: What really caused the first problem?
Question 2:  If I need to compile, what's up with the
sql classes?  
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't check
the archive....


Mr Lauren Commons
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed 
ARE in fact those of my employer.

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Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
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