>  Sometimes you need to use unique XSL file for several XML files,
>  but this is also solved by the sitemap in a varios ways, e.g.:
>  <map:match pattern=3D"*.xml">
>      <map:generate src=3D"{1}.xml/>
>      <map:transform src=3D"{1}.xsl"/>
>      <map:serialize />
>  </map:match>

That 1:1 kind of match is very rare. Much more importantly, there
seems to be no provision in sitemap.xmap for binding a stylesheet to a
DTD. Let's suppose I have 3,000 DocBook <article> documents in many
many directories, but these directories also contain many other .xml
files (related to the articles in many different ways) which require
different stylesheets, according to their DTD. 

I want all *.xml files which use DocBook article to be served into
HTML using foo.xsl; all *.xml which use (say) TEI-Lite to be served 
using another stylesheet, etc etc. Can this be done?


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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