From: "Torsten Curdt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with XSP

> > One could, of course,
> > first run the XSP through a transformer that adds line number
> >    comments that are kept 'til the java file is generated,
> >
> > find the enclosing line number comments (well, one would suffice)
> >
> > output the XSP with the line highlighted that translates to the
> > faulty java code
> >
> > Would be kind of overhead outside development but then, a deployed
> > application wouldn't compile XSPs too often.
> hm.. you mean this way?
>   ...
>   <xsp:logic>
>      int a = 5;
>   </xsp:logic>
>      <my:logicsheet-tag/>
>   <xsp:logic>
>      b = a;
>      c = x;
>   </xsp:logic>
>  ...
> transform it once to add the line numbers. (it would be cool if the XSP
> logicsheet could already provide this. but I fear that's not possible
>   ...
>   <xsp:logic>
>      /* line:4 */ int a = 5;
>   </xsp:logic>
>      <my:logicsheet-tag/>
>   <xsp:logic>
>      /* line:8 */ b = a;
>      /* line:9 */ c = x;
>   </xsp:logic>
>   ....
> Then apply the logicsheets which might insert or remove lines from the
> original code:
>   ...
>      /* line:4 */ int a = 5;
>      .....
>      /* line:8 */ b = a;
>      /* line:9 */ c = x;
>   ....
> Now the exception provides information about the final class line
> We still would need to obtaint the information as described. but we
> then also parse the comment to get the original line number an present
> that one in a nice exception. the malicious line highlighted with +/- 5
> lines. if there is no line number in comments we know it was introduced
> a logicsheet and might not be very helpful to display this way.
> But as I said... quite some hours of work...
> question is: do people think this is helpful?
> people? comments please...
> --
> Torsten

Yes. This would be definitely helpful. When I used lex/yacc their line
directives had me always pointing to the problem in my source.
When the logic sheets are matured, it's also unlikely, that the error
is in the logic sheet but not in your xsp.

I had a short look into this and there are two bugreports on this at Sun
which lead to a JSR. So this is definitely a problem, and having comments
in the generated code, which point me to the line and file the code
was generated from, would already help a lot.



jens.lorenz at interface-projects dot de

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