On 06.May.2002 -- 11:49 AM, Jacob Arnold wrote:
> I've been adapting the protected login example from the Cocoon docs for my
> own Web application, but my company encrypts users' passwords in its Oracle
> database. Is it possible to call a stored procedure (to check the password)
> from a descriptor? I haven't been able to figure out the syntax for doing
> so, if it's possible. I'd like to use a descriptor so I can describe the
> process for validating users on protected pages in the pipeline.

I'm afraid not. SQL statements are generated in a way incompatible
with SPs. Perhaps you can achieve your goal (still without SP, I'm
afraid) with the "modular" Database Actions from scratchpad. You can
have your encryption in a specialized input module or use the
MessageDigestMetaModule for it. There's no specialized authenticator
action in the modular package, but DatabaseSelectAction should do the



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