Title: Include external javascript file

A cocoon newbie question:

I am trying to include a javascript function from an external .js file into my xsl stylesheet.

I have the following in the xsl stylesheet:

<script  src=""cold_reverse_script.js"" language="javascript" ></script>


The file cold_reverse_script.js is in the same directory as the xsl stylesheet & contains javascript code for a single function:

function cold_reverse_search_criteria() {

javascript code .....


I have this entry in my sitemap:
<map:match pattern="**.js">
    <map:read src=""{1}.js"" mime-type="text/jscript"/>

(I've also tried "text/javascript").

However, this does not work.  I get "error on page" whenever I try to access the javascript function from the .js file.   When I look at the source for the HTML page in the browser, it shows "<script  src=""cold_reverse_script.js"" language="javascript" ></script>" just as I've written it in the xsl file, but does not show the code that is in the .js file.

If I put the javascript function code directly into the <script></script> tags, it works fine, but I'd like to use the external .js file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Beth Naquin
1145 Broadway Plaza STE 200
Tacoma, WA 98402


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