> Hello,
> I try to get files using ResourceReader/FileGenerator 
>(cocoon2.0.2/tomcat4.0.3/jdk1.4.0)  :
>  <map:pipeline>
>       <map:match pattern="elster/testhtmls">
>       <map:read mime-type="text/html" 
>       </map:match>
> </map:pipeline>
> Cocoon server and target server are one and the same instance.
> When I put the http request directly in my browser, the file is correctly 
>transferred and displayed. As soon as I use the request  in my cocoon pipeline, an 
>SSLException SSLHandshakeException unknown_certificate with JDK1.4 occurs in tomcat 
>server. Can anyone tell me if, how and in which cocoon versions SSL is supported for 
>FileGenerator/ResourceReader and how my problem can be solved? 
> Thanks in advance,
> Elmar

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